Tuesday 23 November 2010

Trailer Update

To make the trailer i have been using the program AFTER EFFECTS. Unfortuantely i missed the tutorial Mr. Dowson gave us at the beginning of the course. So  with tips i am teaching myself..... slowly.....

Tuesday 2 November 2010


I have a video which i am hoping to upload to this post of my actor Michael Medway, dressed in the gorilla suit.  unfortunately i am having problems uploading any videos to the blog., to overcome this problem i will upload any videos to youtube and link the videos to the neccesary posts.



I dont want to many props envolved as they may take focus off of my main character - the gorilla. On the other hand this could be a good thing as my gorilla is a guy in a suit and could distract the audience from any faults - not that im expecting there to be any.