Saturday 29 January 2011

Anscillary Task - Magazine - Step-by-step

My magazine cover is going to be, or is depending on when you read this, very similar to my poster, consisting of the same or similar materials such as the bullet holes, blood splatters, title etc...
The background Items from my poster
So here is my basic background from my poster. it's what left after cropping and scaling the poster to fit a magazine cover removing all of the non useable items like the actors names and things that will be replaced like the photo of my gorilla.

i started with my gorilla, one of the many other photos i took on my shoot of Michael Medway in it, using my technique of removing the green screen by selecting a colour range (green) and deleting it. this again left holes in my gorilla and so i duplicated the layer and moved it a frame to the right.
I brought back my title, the 'is coming' line and the associated splat and placed it at the bottom of the page to inform the readers what the issue of the magazine will centered on.
G-Day is Coming

I needed a magazine title and decided to use ' Green Screen ' as it is a common association with movies and relative to my film, being the kind of magazine that would do an issue on my fillm.
Magazine Title
Monthly Flm Magazine

To promote my film the magazine will be giving away free posters of my film. this is advertised as a nice selling point, on top of a yellow rectangle with a black stroke rotated to 45 degrees.
Free Posters
Next i needed some magazine articles to attract the consumers.
Article 1
Article 2, this article being the most important, i coloured yellow, the same yellow as the free poster add.
Article 2

Article 3

Article 4

Article 5
This bottom tagline informs my readers what the magazine as a general has to offer. these things are contained within every issue, most likely part of the default magazine template for each month.
Without the barcode readers would find purchasing the magazine a lot harder as all modern shops are fitted with barcode scanners as a way of keeping track of stock and sales.

This tagline (centre-right) is to give the consumer a tagline associated with the image.
Dirty great Ape
This i felt completed my Magazine Cover. 
Finished Magazine Cover

Thursday 27 January 2011


Working on my step-by-step for my anscillary tasks. updated my finsished poster stepbystep with

started step by step for magazine

Anscillary Task - Poster Step-By-Step Build

I started off by taking a photo for the background image of a location seen in some of my trailer footage, giving a sense of consistency, though it quickly occured to me that this component did not follow all other examples of movie posters that i researched. i then used a clean sheet of metal so that the background had some texture and not a simple block of colour (which wouldnt be very proffesional, would it).

My origional background
Metal Sheet

I inserted a photo of my gorilla previously picked from my numerous line up of photos from my photo shoot. On this layer i cut out all of the green screen not via the magic wand as this proved to awkward as it left green in the fur around the edge of the suit, leaving a green outline. not what i wanted.
Metal Sheet with Gorilla
Used the tool to SELECT > COLOUR RANGE, and used the colour picker to choose the variations of greens, solving my problem. The problem this brought up, which i didnt realise until later is that it also took tiny segments of my gorilla with it (as black is comprised of all colours). I will explain how i combatted this problem later.
Select > Color Range
On the wall in front of me (behind my Mac, where i was working) is/was the picture poster of ' from hell '. At eye level was the perfect reminder that i needed a fine print text, listing all of the high-up names envolved in the creation of my film (trailer). i had great fun thinking of numerous variations of names to " fit the bill "

My Work Station

Film Information
Next i needed something which all Movie posters have, a title for my film. while joking around with the clowns in my class, i came up with the Name ' G-Day ' as a play on Z-Day which in itself is a play on D-Day. this helps to fit the generic parody that is my film. An army print text helped to create the idea that the gorilla is a threat to the public and needs to be fought by the armed forces.

A lot of posters have dates or 'coming soon ' quoted, so i decided to do the same in the same army stencil font used for my title. To help these texts stand out i gave them each a 3pt stroke. to further the illusion that this is an army stencil used in a hurry, i used a  splat behind the the ' is coming '.

Coming When
Coming Soon Splat / Paint Drip

To give the scale of the size of the gorilla i decided to fit somewhere in one of the texts a gorilla and a building forming the letters L and A  (nicely fitting in the word gorilla, you may notice) but they didnt fit anyone noticeable. Luckily i was going for my poster to be themed for the character, the kind of poster you would see in the forum of the cinema as a collection (one for each character).  following this idea, i named the character ' Gorillaarrgh '. this helped play with my generic parody, reflecting the 'old school' traits in films, one could argue are lost to modern-day films.
In this text i left out the two letters prementioned and the required amount of space to fit my custom letters.
The building was actually built with the most simple of programs, powerpoint, a series of rectangles. i then duplicated this layer (back on photoshop) and moved each layer one point to the right and up one, a simple way of giving a 3D illusion, after all no building is 2D. the first and third (from the front) layers i coloured grey and the 2nd and fourth, black. the gorilla i painted black leaving his face gray as a silouette.


3D building

No action/monster/parody poster is complete without a few bullet holes, so i scattered a few here and there, as though he (my gorilla) has just been fired upon, of course being left unscarred.
To go with the flow of the gorilla being the result of a top secret lab, i wanted the angled black and yellow lines found around a military door. so i created a serious of parallel black and yellow rectangles and cropped the them so that the corners were cut off.
Bullets + black and yellow lines
Cropped Black + Yellow Lines
I then gave the lines a minamal amount of opaicness, so that the metal texture could be seen through it. Now it looks like its part of the metal wall and not just stuck there by photoshop. i won' tell if you wont :) i used the blur and smudge tools along the edges of the colours to give a sort of war-torn effect.
Opaic Black and Yellow
Blurred /Smudged Black and Yellow
Right, here i noticed something that i mentioned at the beginning with my gorilla. when getting rid of the green screen i lost part of my gorilla. i noticed this because his head was showing signs of yellow.

Yellow noticed through the head
i can't stress how long it took me to work out what the problem was, but oh well i worked it out. to solve the problem i duplicated the layer of the gorilla and moved it a point to the right, problem solved. it took me ages to try work out a way to solve this when the answer was so simple. this also darkened my gorilla which gave nice unintended effect.

Problem solved

Blood Spatters
To give credit to my actors and to use them as a selling point, there names needed to go on the poster, as well as to follow the conventions of all other posters. to keep up the consistancy, i used the text from the title and the 'is coming' line.
Actors Names
Although the law of thirds applys to all components (excluding the quote line), the bottom third was looking a bit empty even with the gorilla, the title and the film information. therefore i felt it needed something else to go behind all this as a filler. que the explosion!

This i produced from stock footage, after all i couldnt really go around blowing things up without permits and what-not. so from stock footage, (video files of explosions on black backgrounds) i found the frame i wanted and removed any unwanted things such as the black background, which i did via the magic wand, the one-click-wonder. this left a hard edge which i removed via a feather edged eraser.

Effect of the Feathered Eraser
Quote line - almost finished i had a big gap in the middle to place my quote line, taken straight from my trailer. (the bit with the cube)
Cube from trailer
" It's Human Nature
            To Attempt The Impossible
                                          And Play God "

the colour of the text, i lent towards the gray end of the spectrum so that it did not stand out over the movie title or the character name.

I feel that this completed my poster.

Finished Poster


Working on my step-by-step for my anscillary tasks. finsished my poster stepbystep. needs updateing with  photos/screenshots, will do tonight

Wednesday 26 January 2011


Working on my step-by-step for my anscillary tasks. almost finsished my poster stepbystep. needs photos/screenshots

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Thursday 6 January 2011

Ancillary - Poster - Photoshop Effects

Below is the original photo i chose to work with. I have two ideas for my poster, though i am starting to lean towards one of them, one being a still from my movie (trailer), another being the gorilla on a black background with an intentional lack of light. For my second idea i have thought about using photoshop to insert a pair of red eyes that loom from the dark.

This photo however may not be used in my actual poster, its just something to work with and test different effects on.
I then using photoshop cut out the background, keeping just the gorilla as it is the only materila within the photo needed in my poster.

In order to see which would work better i tried both a black and white background.

Both the black and white backgrounds each give different qualities. The black background simply looks better as it gives the dark ominous effect that is the idea of a giant gorilla running rampagent through your hometown. It also unfortunately gives the white line around the edge of the gorilla due the difficulty of trimming the gorillas fur using the "magic wand" tool on photoshop.
In order to combat my difficulties with my green screen i may have to use a tool which recognises the moving object, in this case my gorilla, and cuts out the background, a plane white room. this may however come across the same problems presented in the this image. For the purpose of testing effects i decided to use the black background.

Special thanks to Michael Medway - my Gorilla actor.

Monday 3 January 2011


i havent done to much over the christmas holday due to christmas type things although i have watched a lot of films and taken ideas for shots and traiers