Thursday 6 January 2011

Ancillary - Poster - Photoshop Effects

Below is the original photo i chose to work with. I have two ideas for my poster, though i am starting to lean towards one of them, one being a still from my movie (trailer), another being the gorilla on a black background with an intentional lack of light. For my second idea i have thought about using photoshop to insert a pair of red eyes that loom from the dark.

This photo however may not be used in my actual poster, its just something to work with and test different effects on.
I then using photoshop cut out the background, keeping just the gorilla as it is the only materila within the photo needed in my poster.

In order to see which would work better i tried both a black and white background.

Both the black and white backgrounds each give different qualities. The black background simply looks better as it gives the dark ominous effect that is the idea of a giant gorilla running rampagent through your hometown. It also unfortunately gives the white line around the edge of the gorilla due the difficulty of trimming the gorillas fur using the "magic wand" tool on photoshop.
In order to combat my difficulties with my green screen i may have to use a tool which recognises the moving object, in this case my gorilla, and cuts out the background, a plane white room. this may however come across the same problems presented in the this image. For the purpose of testing effects i decided to use the black background.

Special thanks to Michael Medway - my Gorilla actor.

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