Saturday 26 February 2011

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I collected results from a total of 30 different people of varying ages. This data was collected from my survey which was poser on I felt that the best way to collect these results was to print copies of the questionnaire place them in various public places and to approach people in town, all with a copy of the trailer, the poster and the magazine front cover. The traielr i loaded to my ipod in order to show. I placed 10 copies in a local coffee shop, handed 10 out to some of the students at my school and the other 10 i approached people in town.
Out of the 30 people, 11 said they would rate the trailer 5 stars out of a possible 5. This is 36.7% and was the majority. The lowest score the trailer received was a 2 Star, so there was some variation.

The posters most popular score was 5 stars and this was given by 56.7% of the people.
The magazine cover recieved the most positive feedback with a wopping 90% giving it a 5star rating.
I decided to use a 5 star rating system as this seems to be the most common used system when rating magazines and other media texts.
70% out of the 30 people said that there favourite part of the trailer was the gorilla, mainly due to their comical reaction. This was followed by the 5 people who said the Fist-slam scene was thier favourite part, accounting for a further 16.7% of total people.

15 out of the 30 people, 50%, said that sound was there least favourite feature of the trailer, and personally i agree with them, wishing that i had spent more time on it. I first thought this may have been due to my gorilla roar actually being  abears roar but this turned out to be quite amusing.
14 out of the 30 people thought that the trailer looked like a real media text. That is 46.7% of the people asked. However 30 out of 30 thought that it was very similar (if not the same as) to a real media text.

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