Monday 27 September 2010


This is the movie poster for cloverfield released for advertisement  purposes. It's simplicity in design does not rely on famous names to sell, but the contents of the films events. an example of this is the background image, depicting the destruction of a historic american figure or iconic building/city which could be considered the secondary capital of america. This film should have a large veiwing audience for this reason. Those from america would veiw the film in order to find out what could destroy this scene and hope for a happy ending for their nation. whereas the rest of the world may view the film to enjoy watching the americans lose (playing on the side that america is hated). The only other items on the poster are the film title "CLOVERFIELD" which is following the example of all other film posters by having all text in block capitals, and the date of release. This is the simplest film poster i have seen and judging from the success of teh film i will aim poster poster to be less like this one.

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