Thursday 2 September 2010

Despicable me
This Trailer, beinng for a disney film, is very simple and entertaining. All aspects are light hearted and amusing. Before the opening scene is a sentence split into multiple parts in order to build up suspension and tension. By doing this the audience is decieved into thinking that the character is an evil villain with no heart as following the steriotypical character description and then suddenly we are presented with the bumbelling clowns that follow.

I like how in this trailer they show no sign of a main character other than in the title in the last shot. The two characters that are shown however are minions and two of many. I think this is a good technique because it helps the audience to understand what kind of humour is contained within the actual film. The background of the trailer is a single white room, though given depth, a sense of 3D. Being an animated film/trialer, the designers and producers have thought about every aspect of every part of the shot. The removal of the background focusses the viewers attention to the characters.

The two characters are of simple intelligence, being entertained by a small childs toy, allowing children to relate to the humour, thus the advert target audience most likely being the younger generations.
All in all i belive this to be a very successfull advert due to its simplicity yet it is still amusing. This will appeal to a very large audience as it is a U rating, thereby not cutting out any potential consumers. Kids will likely go see it and adults will go see it because of its appeal on their children.

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